TES AWARD NOMINATED. Experts in Educational Resources for Secondary and Primary Schools. Not For Profit Team of Teachers and HOD's
Love a resource? Review it and get another resource of equal value FREE. Just review and email me on thecre8tiveresources@gmail.com to claim.
Our Motto is 'Resources made for Teachers by Teachers' - We are a small dedicated team of teachers, HOD's and Middle leaders with a focus on supporting teachers and students across the world.
TES AWARD NOMINATED. Experts in Educational Resources for Secondary and Primary Schools. Not For Profit Team of Teachers and HOD's
Love a resource? Review it and get another resource of equal value FREE. Just review and email me on thecre8tiveresources@gmail.com to claim.
Our Motto is 'Resources made for Teachers by Teachers' - We are a small dedicated team of teachers, HOD's and Middle leaders with a focus on supporting teachers and students across the world.
2x Lessons - Different Forms of Government Around the World
NEW GCSE Citizenship (9-1)
Lesson Objectives:
Secure: To identify the different forms of Government that exist around the world
Extended: To understand the features of each type of government
Advanced: To evaluate the effectiveness of different forms of government
This resource contains:
1 x PowerPoint for double lesson 120 min - Types of Governments Around the World
1 x Hand-out worksheet
2 x Differentiated exam practice assessments on separation of powers in a constitution
These PowerPoint resources can be used to cover the GCSE Citizenship topic Political Systems Around the World.
This lesson material is designed to be used for between two and three teaching periods and includes; activities, challenging and thoughtful questions, student hand-out (for use during lesson or as a homework), embedded URL links (where appropriate), differentiated tasks and, all relevant information to help students learn about issues relating to the topic.
AQA Specification covered is: Theme 3 Politics and Participation
Edexcel Specification covered is: Theme B Democracy at Work in the UK
OCR Specification covered is: Section 2 Democracy and Government
Level: NEW GCSE Citizenship (9-1) OCR / EDEXCEL / AQA
You may also want to check out our very popular GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Lessons, Assessments, Revision Guides, Trackers and Work Booklets.
Here are some of our other popular political resources:
GCSE CItizenship UNIT
What is Identity
Types of Democracy
Why not pick up something educational and fun for the End of Term …
End of Term Quiz
The Big News Quiz
The Big summer Quiz
Citizenship Christmas Quiz
PSHE Christmas Quiz
GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Revision and Intervention sheets for EDEXCEL Theme A: Living together in the UK. Citizenship GCSE (9-1) 2016 onwards. Product code: CIT/C8/RI/02
This Resource Contains:
Intervention and revision materials for EDEXCEL Theme A: Living together in the UK
x16 1-5 version for lower ability
x16 6-9 for higher and middle ability students.
x1 Marking Grid for Peer and Self Assessment
List of topics included: See image previews and titles of all the attached files
Please note : All links provided should work as of Nov 2018. However, due to news websites changing content regularly you may need to update the article links yourself if you find a link does not work anymore on an intervention sheet. YouTube links will all be fine.
These are fully adaptable templates that can be used to help students structure their written responses to both source-based analysis questions and evaluate the statement 15 mark questions.
Each 6-9 Intervention sheet comes with marking criteria for self/peer and teacher assessment and a list of content that could have been included in the essay (Arguments and key terms that could have been used to evaluate either side of the essay statement)
Product code: CIT/C8/RI/02
Designed to help those students who struggle with all the renewed focus on 100% exam for EDEXCEL GCSE CITIZENSHIP 9-1
How could you use this resource?
Homework tasks
Targeted Intervention groups
Peer assessment criteria for timed essay practice
Self-assessment criteria for timed essay practice
Teacher assessment at the end of a unit
Revision for exam technique for GCSE Citizenship
Could be used with Cre8tive Resources Revision and Intervention packages, Marking Assessment Grids or Knowledge Organisers
Fantastic for quick and easy planning!
Here are a few examples:
EDEXCEL Knowledge Organiser
EDEXCEL Exam and Assessments Theme A
EDEXCEL Exam and Assessments Theme B
EDEXCEL Exam and Assessments Theme C
EDEXCEL Exam and Assessments Theme D
Campaigning Active Citizenship Student Resources
British Values Quiz
14 Lessons and plenty of resources to support the teaching of Identity, Diversity and Discrimination in the UK Product Code: CIT/C8B/02
Citizenship GCSE (9-1) 2016 onwards
This Resource Contains:
x14 Lessons (7 double lesson topics included)
x1 Assesment differentiated to each exam board
x1 Depth study British Identity Workbooklet
x lots Intervention and Revision exam practice material
x1 GCSE Citizenship Revision Quiz
Each Double lesson (in editable PPT) is designed to be used for between two and three teaching periods and includes; activities, challenging and thoughtful questions, student hand-out (for use during lesson or as a homework), embedded URL links (where appropriate), differentiated tasks and, all relevant information to help students learn about issues relating to the topic.
AQA Specification covered is: Theme 1 Life in Modern Britain Chapters 1 and 2
Edexcel Specification covered is: Theme A: Living together in the UK 1.1 to 1.10
OCR Specification covered is: Section 3 THE UK: Identities and Diversity
Other Codes: CIT/C8B/OCR CIT/C8B/A CIT/C8B/E
Level: NEW GCSE Citizenship (9-1) OCR / EDEXCEL / AQA
You may also want to check out our very popular GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Lessons, Assessments, Revision Guides, Trackers and Work Booklets.
Here are a few examples:
AQA Exam and Assessments Theme 1
AQA Exam and Assessments Theme 2
AQA Exam and Assessments Theme 3
AQA Complete Revision and Intervention Package
Campaigning Student Resources
British Values Quiz
GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Revision Quiz
Why not pick up something educational and fun for the End of Term …
End of Term Quiz
The Big News Quiz
The Big summer Quiz
Citizenship Christmas Quiz
PSHE Christmas Quiz
2x Lessons - Comparing Electoral Voting Systems - FPTP Versus PR Systems
NEW GCSE Citizenship (9-1) Product Code: CIT/C8/LS/15
Lesson Objectives:
Secure: To describe how FPTP and PR electoral systems work
Extended: To explain how changing the voting system can alter the outcome of an election
Advanced: To evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each electoral system (FPTP and PR)
This resource contains:
1 x PowerPoint for double lesson 120 min - Comparing Electoral Voting Systems - FPTP Versus PR Systems
1 x Hand-out worksheet
2 x Differentiated exam practice assessments on separation of powers in a constitution
This lesson material is designed to be used for between two and three teaching periods and includes; activities, challenging and thoughtful questions, student hand-out (for use during lesson or as a homework), embedded URL links (where appropriate), differentiated tasks and, all relevant information to help students learn about issues relating to the topic.
AQA Specification covered is: Theme 3 Politics and Participation
Edexcel Specification covered is: Theme B Democracy at Work in the UK
OCR Specification covered is: Section 2 Democracy and Government
Product Code: CIT/C8/LS/15
You may also want to check out our very popular GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Lessons, Assessments, Revision Guides, Trackers and Work Booklets.
Here are some of our other popular political resources:
GCSE CItizenship UNIT
What is Identity
Types of Governments
Types of Democracy
GCSE Citizenship Revision Quiz
British Identity Depth study
The Opening of Parliament: Learn about this through a range of engaging educational activities. Product code: CIT/C8/AP/23
This resource could be used in Citizenship / PSHE / Humanities or form tutor sessions.
12 Page pack of classroom-ready activities that will educate and engage students. Suitable for KS3 and KS4 students.
This booklet has been created by a dedicated team of citizenship experts.
The Opening of Parliament - Sorting Activity Timeline of Events
Parliament Opening - Teacher Answer Sheet
BBC News Reporter
Different roles within Parliament
Roles - Teacher Answer Sheet
Debating topical issues
Political Jargon Matching the correct term to its corresponding definition
Key terms - Teacher Answer sheet
Create a 3D Ballot Box Design Activity
Blank Editable Ballot Papers
Government Minister Profile - Research Activity
Credits and Flipped Learning Opportunities
Product code: CIT/C8/AP/23
This resource will engage, educate and motivate your students for National Parliament Week – fantastic for quick and easy planning!
You may also want to check out other popular resources provided for by the UK’s No.1 Seller of GCSE Citizenship Resources.
Teaching & Revision OCR GCSE Resources Jumbo Pack - The Constitution
Teaching & Revision OCR GCSE Resources Jumbo Pack - Politics Beyond the UK
Teaching & Revision OCR GCSE Resources Jumbo Pack - The Economy finance & Money
Teaching & Revision OCR GCSE Resources Jumbo Pack - National, Local, Regional and Devolved Governments
British Values Quiz
GCSE CItizenship UNIT
GCSE Citizenship Revision Quiz
British Identity Depth study
Why not pick up something educational and fun for the End of Term …
End of Term Quiz
The Big News Quiz
The Big summer Quiz
Citizenship Christmas Quiz
PSHE Christmas Quiz
GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Revision Cards x20 key word topic revision cards
Campaigning and Citizenship Action CIT/C8/KT/15
This resource includes:
x20 key word topic revision cards with Included pictures
x20 key word topic revision cards with drawing activity instead
Each key word topic revision card includes.
Key Term, Definition, Synonym, Example of the word in a sentence, Picture or Icon
and two or three GCSE 9-1 Exam Technique Qs’
You have two version one with Pictures and one without. (Allowing students to draw their own image to represent the key terms)
These are designed to help your students learn the new vocabulary required for the new GCSE CITIZENSHIP 9-1
This resource is also useful for PP/ EAL / SEN students and those with literacy needs.
They will also help your most able students with exam technique and remembering ‘wow’ words to boost their responses in extended essay questions.
If you find these useful check out our other revision sets suitable for GCSE Citizenship 9-1.
General Election 2019 is on Thursday 12th December. This set of ‘32 Key term revision topic cards’ can help students of all ages and ability learn more about the different words they migh hear on the news in the run up to this 2019 General Election.
This resource includes:
x32 key word topic revision cards with Included pictures
x90 Review Questions
Each key word topic revision card includes.
Key Term, Definition, Synonym, Example of the word in a sentence, Picture or Icon
and two or three review questions
This resource may also useful for PP/ EAL / SEN students and those with literacy needs.
They will also help your most able students with exam technique and remembering ‘wow’ words to boost their responses in extended essay questions.
Product code: GE/C8/01
Why not check out our other General Election 2019 Resources:
History of UK Parliament
Voting and Elections in the UK
UK Politics and General Elections Explained
House of Commons Explored
The Brexit Party
How To Vote
British Constitution Revision Topic Cards
2x Lessons - What are the different institutions of the European Union? Arguments for and against membership. Why was the EU set up and what purpose does it play . Product Code: CIT/C8/LS/21
NEW GCSE Citizenship (9-1)
This resource contains:
1 x PowerPoint for double lesson 120 min over 30+ slides- What is the European Union? What are the different institutions of the European Union?
2 x Differentiated exam practice assessments on separation of powers in a constitution
lots of Student printouts and handouts within PPT
These PowerPoint resources can be used to cover the GCSE Citizenship topic International Organisations and the UK’s Role
This lesson material is designed to be used for between two and three teaching periods and includes; activities, challenging and thoughtful questions, student hand-out (for use during lesson or as a homework), embedded URL links (where appropriate), differentiated tasks and, all relevant information to help students learn about issues relating to the topic.
Product Code: CIT/C8/LS/21
AQA Specification covered is: Theme 1 Life in modern Britain
EDEXCEL Specification covered is: Theme D: Power and Influence
OCR Specification covered is: Section 3 The UK and the Wider World
Lesson Objectives:
Secure: To understand the purpose of the European Union and why it was set up
Extended: To understand the different roles performed by each of the three main EU institutions
Advanced: To evaluate the effectiveness of the European Union
You may also want to check out our very popular GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Lessons, Assessments, Revision Guides, Trackers and Work Booklets.
Here are some of our other popular political resources:
Comparing electoral systems
Ultimate Brexit or Remain Christmas Lesson
Voting systems and electoral reform
GCSE CItizenship UNIT
What is Identity
Types of Governments
2x Lessons - What is the European Union? Arguments for and against membership and introduction to Brexit - Product Code: CIT/C8/LS/06
NEW GCSE Citizenship (9-1)
This resource contains:
1 x PowerPoint for double lesson 120 min over 36+ Cram packed slides- What is the European Union? Arguments for and against membership and introduction to Brexit
1 x EU voting Slips handout
2 x Differentiated exam practice assessments on separation of powers in a constitution
lots of Student printouts and handouts within PPT
These PowerPoint resources can be used to cover the GCSE Citizenship topic International Organisations and the UK’s Role
This lesson material is designed to be used for between two and three teaching periods and includes; activities, challenging and thoughtful questions, student hand-out (for use during lesson or as a homework), embedded URL links (where appropriate), differentiated tasks and, all relevant information to help students learn about issues relating to the topic.
Product Code: CIT/C8/LS/06
AQA Specification covered is: Theme 1 Life in modern Britain
EDEXCEL Specification covered is: Theme D: Power and Influence
OCR Specification covered is: Section 3 The UK and the Wider World
Lesson Objectives:
Secure: To Understand how a country joins the European Union and why tension with the EU has come about
Extended: To explore the arguments for and against EU membership and analyse the outcomes of the referendum
Advanced: To evaluate whether citizens of the UK were right in voting to leave the European Union
You may also want to check out our very popular GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Lessons, Assessments, Revision Guides, Trackers and Work Booklets.
GCSE Citizenship x40+ Page revision guide: This guide will provide students with all they need to know to cover the politics element of the GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Course 2016 onwards.
There are some revision activities spread throughout the 40+ page guide but mainly it is essential information students need to know. Trialled in several secondary schools for their entire GCSE Cohorts with great success.
40 Pages = 25p a page. This revision guide took many many hours to create. Worth every penny and will help your students succeed. Some teachers use this as handouts and worksheets split over many weeks / months. Others have printed as a double sided revision guide or teaching aid.
Indicative Content Covered:
Types of Democracy, Bicameral Parliament, Magna Carta, History of Voting Rights
Role of an MP, Exploring House of Commons, Government Departments, Managing the economy, Exploring House of Lords, Passage of a Bill, Political Ideologies, State opening of Parliament, Voting Systems , Roles within Parliament, Political Jargon, Votes for Women and Women’s Suffrage, Revision Activities for Politics , Different forms of Government, Comparing Governments, British Constitution and terminology
We have also produced Revision Work Booklets for all of the above topics. So if you see an activity you like or want students to explore more you can purchase the Work booklet matching the content topic.
Suitable for OCR AQA and EDEXCEL.
OCR – Section 2
AQA – Theme 3
You may also like some of our other best selling popular cre8tive resources…
News Quiz
Halloween Quiz and Student Answer Sheets
Black History Quiz and Students Answer Sheets
Votes for Women KS3 and KS4 Activity Pack
National Parliament Week
Mental Health Awareness
Anti-Bullying Awareness
Healthy Eating Quiz
GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Revision Topic Cards x20 Revision topic cards with x60 Questions. Product Code: CIT/C8/KT/16
Crime and Punishment (List of revision topics included in preview)
This resource includes:
x20 Revision topic cards with Included pictures
x20 Revision topic cards with drawing activity instead of picture
x 60 Questions to aid revision
Each key word topic revision card includes.
Key Term, Definition, Synonym, Example of the word in a sentence, Picture or Icon
and three GCSE 9-1 Exam Technique content Qs’ x60 Questions in total.
You have two version one with Pictures and one without. (Allowing students to draw their own image to represent the Revision content topic term
These are designed to help your students learn the new vocabulary required for the new GCSE CITIZENSHIP 9-1
This resource is also useful for PP/ EAL / SEN students and those with literacy needs.
They will also help your most able students with exam technique and remembering ‘wow’ words to boost their responses in extended essay questions.
Product Code: CIT/C8/KT/16
You may also want to check out other popular resources provided for by the UK’s No.1 Seller of GCSE Citizenship Resources.
Teaching & Revision OCR GCSE Resources Jumbo Pack - The Constitution
Teaching & Revision OCR GCSE Resources Jumbo Pack - Politics Beyond the UK
Teaching & Revision OCR GCSE Resources Jumbo Pack - The Economy finance & Money
Teaching & Revision OCR GCSE Resources Jumbo Pack - National, Local, Regional and Devolved Governments
You may also want to check out our very popular OCR GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Lessons, Assessments, Revision guides, trackers and work booklets.
OCR Knowledge Organiser
OCR Exam and Assessments Topic 1
OCR Exam and Assessments Topic 2
OCR Exam and Assessments Topic 3
OCR Revision and Intervention Full course
Campaigning Student Resources
British Values Quiz
GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Revision Topic Cards x20 Revision topic cards with x60 Questions. Product Code: CIT/C8/KT/20
National, local, regional and devolved governments (List of revision topics included in preview)
This resource includes:
x20 Revision topic cards with Included pictures
x20 Revision topic cards with drawing activity instead of picture
x60 Questions to Aid revision
Each key word topic revision card includes.
Key Term, Definition, Synonym, Example of the word in a sentence, Picture or Icon
and three GCSE 9-1 Exam Technique content Qs’ x60 Questions in total.
You have two version one with Pictures and one without. (Allowing students to draw their own image to represent the Revision content topic term
These are designed to help your students learn the new vocabulary required for the new GCSE CITIZENSHIP 9-1
This resource is also useful for PP/ EAL / SEN students and those with literacy needs.
They will also help your most able students with exam technique and remembering ‘wow’ words to boost their responses in extended essay questions.
Product Code: CIT/C8/KT/20
You may also want to check out other popular resources provided for by the UK’s No.1 Seller of GCSE Citizenship Resources.
Teaching & Revision OCR GCSE Resources Jumbo Pack - The Constitution
Teaching & Revision OCR GCSE Resources Jumbo Pack - Politics Beyond the UK
Teaching & Revision OCR GCSE Resources Jumbo Pack - The Economy finance & Money
Teaching & Revision OCR GCSE Resources Jumbo Pack - National, Local, Regional and Devolved Governments
You may also want to check out our very popular OCR GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Lessons, Assessments, Revision guides, trackers and work booklets.
OCR Knowledge Organiser
OCR Exam and Assessments Topic 1
OCR Exam and Assessments Topic 2
OCR Exam and Assessments Topic 3
OCR Revision and Intervention Full course
Campaigning Student Resources
British Values Quiz
GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Revision Topic Cards x24 Revision topic cards with x72 Questions. Product Code: CIT/C8/KT/15
Section 2 : British Constitution and Democracy (List of revision topics included in preview)
This resource includes:
x24 Revision topic cards with Included pictures
x24 Revision topic cards with drawing activity instead of picture
x72 Questions to aid revision
Each key word topic revision card includes.
Key Term, Definition, Synonym, Example of the word in a sentence, Picture or Icon
and three GCSE 9-1 Exam Technique content Qs’ x72 Questions in total.
You have two version one with Pictures and one without. (Allowing students to draw their own image to represent the Revision content topic term
This resource is also useful for PP/ EAL / SEN students and those with literacy needs.
They will also help your most able students with exam technique and remembering ‘wow’ words to boost their responses in extended essay questions.
Product Code: CIT/C8/KT/15
You may also want to check out other popular resources provided for by the UK’s No.1 Seller of GCSE Citizenship Resources.
Teaching & Revision OCR GCSE Resources Jumbo Pack - The Constitution
Teaching & Revision OCR GCSE Resources Jumbo Pack - Politics Beyond the UK
Teaching & Revision OCR GCSE Resources Jumbo Pack - The Economy finance & Money
Teaching & Revision OCR GCSE Resources Jumbo Pack - National, Local, Regional and Devolved Governments
You may also want to check out our very popular OCR GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Lessons, Assessments, Revision guides, trackers and work booklets.
OCR Knowledge Organiser
OCR Exam and Assessments Topic 1
OCR Exam and Assessments Topic 2
OCR Exam and Assessments Topic 3
OCR Revision and Intervention Full course
Campaigning Student Resources
British Values Quiz
GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Revision Topic Cards x20 Revision topic cards with x60 Questions. Product Code: CIT/C8/KT/17
Section 1: Human Rights and Responsibilities (List of revision topics included in preview)
This resource includes:
x20 Revision topic cards with Included pictures
x20 Revision topic cards with a drawing activity instead of pictures
x60 Questions to aid revision
Each keyword topic revision card includes.
Key Term, Definition, Synonym, Example of the word in a sentence, Picture or Icon and three GCSE 9-1 Exam Technique content Qs’ x60 Questions in total.
Two version included; with and without pictures. (Allowing students to draw their own image to represent the revision content topic term)
This resource is also useful for PP/ EAL / SEN students and those with literacy needs.
They will also help your most able students with exam technique and remembering ‘wow’ words to boost their responses in extended essay questions.
Product Code: CIT/C8/KT/17
You may also want to check out other popular resources provided for by the UK’s No.1 Seller of GCSE Citizenship Resources.
Teaching & Revision OCR GCSE Resources Jumbo Pack - The Constitution
Teaching & Revision OCR GCSE Resources Jumbo Pack - Politics Beyond the UK
Teaching & Revision OCR GCSE Resources Jumbo Pack - The Economy finance & Money
Teaching & Revision OCR GCSE Resources Jumbo Pack - National, Local, Regional and Devolved Governments
You may also want to check out our very popular OCR GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Lessons, Assessments, Revision guides, trackers and work booklets.
OCR Knowledge Organiser
OCR Exam and Assessments Topic 1
OCR Exam and Assessments Topic 2
OCR Exam and Assessments Topic 3
OCR Revision and Intervention Full course
Campaigning Student Resources
British Values Quiz
GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Revision Topic Cards x20 Revision topic cards with x60 Questions
Section1 : Human Rights and Responsibilities (List of revision topics included in preview)
Product Code: CIT/C8/KT/25
This resource includes:
x20 Revision topic cards with Included pictures
x20 Revision topic cards with drawing activity instead of picture
x60 Questions to aid revision
Each key word topic revision card includes.
Key Term, Definition, Synonym, Example of the word in a sentence, Picture or Icon
and three GCSE 9-1 Exam Technique content Qs’ x60 Questions in total.
You have two version one with Pictures and one without. (Allowing students to draw their own image to represent the Revision content topic term
This resource is also useful for PP/ EAL / SEN students and those with literacy needs. Product Code: CIT/C8/KT/25
They will also help your most able students with exam technique and remembering ‘wow’ words to boost their responses in extended essay questions.
You may also want to check out other popular resources provided for by the UK’s No.1 Seller of GCSE Citizenship Resources.
Teaching & Revision OCR GCSE Resources Jumbo Pack - The Constitution
Teaching & Revision OCR GCSE Resources Jumbo Pack - Politics Beyond the UK
Teaching & Revision OCR GCSE Resources Jumbo Pack - The Economy finance & Money
Teaching & Revision OCR GCSE Resources Jumbo Pack - National, Local, Regional and Devolved Governments
You may also want to check out our very popular OCR GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Lessons, Assessments, Revision guides, trackers and work booklets.
OCR Knowledge Organiser
OCR Exam and Assessments Topic 1
OCR Exam and Assessments Topic 2
OCR Exam and Assessments Topic 3
OCR Revision and Intervention Full course
Campaigning Student Resources
British Values Quiz
Over 100+ Intervention sheets for EDEXCEL Themes A - D + 20 Revision key term cards. Product Code: CIT/C8B/E18
Citizenship GCSE (9-1) 2016 onwards
This Resource Contains:
Intervention and revision materials for EDEXCEL Theme A: Living together in the UK
x16 1-5 version for lower ability
x16 6-9 for higher and middle ability students.
x1 Marking Grid for Peer and Self Assessment
Intervention and revision materials for EDEXCEL Theme B: Democracy at work in the UK
x13 1-5 version for lower ability
x13 6-9 for higher and middle ability students.
X1 Marking Grid for Peer and Self Assessment
Intervention and revision materials for EDEXCEL Theme C: How the law works
x10 1-5 version for lower ability
x10 6-9 for higher and middle ability students.
X1 Marking Grid for Peer and Self Assessment
Intervention and revision materials for EDEXCEL Theme D: Power and Influence
x15 1-5 version for lower ability
x15 6-9 for higher and middle ability students.
x1 Marking Grid for Peer and Self Assessment
EDEXCEL Theme E: Taking Citizenship Action
x20 Revision and Key terms cards for Active Citizenship Element
x1 Active Citizenship Campaign ideas
x1 Marking Grid for Peer and Self Assessment
Active Citizenship Reflection EDEXCEL Work Booklet
General Revision for Edexcel course:
x1 GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Revision Quiz
x1 NEW for 2019 Exams GCSE Citizenship Ultimate Revision Quiz
List of Revision and Intervention topics included: See image previews and titles of all the attached files of each product
Product code: CIT/C8B/E18
Please note: All links provided should work as of Jan 2019. However, due to news websites changing content regularly you may need to update the article links yourself if you find a link does not work anymore on an intervention sheet. YouTube links will all be fine.
These are fully adaptable templates that can be used to help students structure their written responses to both source based analysis questions and evaluate the statement 15 mark questions.
Each 6-9 Intervention sheet comes with a marking criteria for self / peer and teacher assessment and a list of content that could have been included in the essay (Arguments and key terms that could have been used to evaluate either side of the essay statement)
Designed to help those students who struggle with all the renewed focus on 100% exam for EDEXCEL GCSE CITIZENSHIP 9-1
How could you use this resource?
Homework tasks
Targeted Intervention groups
Peer assessment criteria for timed essay practice
Self assessment criteria for timed essay practice
Teacher assessment at the end of a unit
Revision for exam technique for GCSE Citizenship
You may also want to check out other popular resources provided for by the UK’s No.1 Seller of GCSE Citizenship Resources.
EDEXCEL Knowledge Organiser
EDEXCEL Exam and Assessments Theme A
EDEXCEL Exam and Assessments Theme B
EDEXCEL Exam and Assessments Theme C
EDEXCEL Exam and Assessments Theme D
Campaigning Active Citizenship Student Resources
GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Revision Topic Cards x20 Revision topic cards with x60 Questions. Product Code: CIT/C8/KT/21
World Governments and Politics Beyond the UK (List of revision topics / Countries included in preview)
This resource includes:
x20 Revision topic cards with Included pictures
x20 Revision topic cards with drawing activity instead of picture
x60 Questions to aid revision
Each key word topic revision card includes.
Key Term, Definition, Synonym, Example of the word in a sentence, Picture or Icon
and three GCSE 9-1 Exam Technique content Qs’ x60 Questions in total.
You have two version one with Pictures and one without. (Allowing students to draw their own image to represent the Revision content topic term
These are designed to help your students learn the new vocabulary required for the new GCSE CITIZENSHIP 9-1
This resource is also useful for PP/ EAL / SEN students and those with literacy needs.
They will also help your most able students with exam technique and remembering ‘wow’ words to boost their responses in extended essay questions.
Product Code: CIT/C8/KT/21
You may also want to check out other popular resources provided for by the UK’s No.1 Seller of GCSE Citizenship Resources.
Teaching & Revision OCR GCSE Resources Jumbo Pack - The Constitution
Teaching & Revision OCR GCSE Resources Jumbo Pack - Politics Beyond the UK
Teaching & Revision OCR GCSE Resources Jumbo Pack - The Economy finance & Money
Teaching & Revision OCR GCSE Resources Jumbo Pack - National, Local, Regional and Devolved Governments
You may also want to check out our very popular OCR GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Lessons, Assessments, Revision guides, trackers and work booklets.
OCR Knowledge Organiser
OCR Exam and Assessments Topic 1
OCR Exam and Assessments Topic 2
OCR Exam and Assessments Topic 3
OCR Revision and Intervention Full course
GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Revision Topic Cards x20 Revision topic cards with x60 Questions
Section 2 : The Economy, Money and Finance (List of revision topics included in preview)
Product Code: CIT/C8/KT/26
This resource includes:
x20 Revision topic cards with Included pictures
x20 Revision topic cards with drawing activity instead of picture
x60 Questions to aid revision
Each key word topic revision card includes.
Key Term, Definition, Synonym, Example of the word in a sentence, Picture or Icon
and three GCSE 9-1 Exam Technique content Qs’ x60 Questions in total.
You have two version one with Pictures and one without. (Allowing students to draw their own image to represent the Revision content topic term
This resource is also useful for PP/ EAL / SEN students and those with literacy needs. Product Code: CIT/C8/KT/26
They will also help your most able students with exam technique and remembering ‘wow’ words to boost their responses in extended essay questions.
You may also want to check out other popular resources provided for by the UK’s No.1 Seller of GCSE Citizenship Resources.
Teaching & Revision OCR GCSE Resources Jumbo Pack - The Constitution
Teaching & Revision OCR GCSE Resources Jumbo Pack - Politics Beyond the UK
Teaching & Revision OCR GCSE Resources Jumbo Pack - The Economy finance & Money
Teaching & Revision OCR GCSE Resources Jumbo Pack - National, Local, Regional and Devolved Governments
You may also want to check out our very popular OCR GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Lessons, Assessments, Revision guides, trackers and work booklets.
OCR Knowledge Organiser
OCR Exam and Assessments Topic 1
OCR Exam and Assessments Topic 2
OCR Exam and Assessments Topic 3
OCR Revision and Intervention Full course
Campaigning Student Resources
British Values Quiz
GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Revision Topic Cards x20 Revision topic cards with x60 Questions
Section 2 : The British Constitution (List of revision topics included in preview)
Product Code: CIT/C8/KT/15
This resource includes:
x20 Revision topic cards with Included pictures
x20 Revision topic cards with drawing activity instead of picture
x60 Questions to aid revision
Each key word topic revision card includes.
Key Term, Definition, Synonym, Example of the word in a sentence, Picture or Icon
and three GCSE 9-1 Exam Technique content Qs’ x60 Questions in total.
You have two version one with Pictures and one without. (Allowing students to draw their own image to represent the Revision content topic term
Product Code: CIT/C8/KT/15
This resource is also useful for PP/ EAL / SEN students and those with literacy needs.
They will also help your most able students with exam technique and remembering ‘wow’ words to boost their responses in extended essay questions.
You may also want to check out other popular resources provided for by the UK’s No.1 Seller of GCSE Citizenship Resources.
Teaching & Revision OCR GCSE Resources Jumbo Pack - The Constitution
Teaching & Revision OCR GCSE Resources Jumbo Pack - Politics Beyond the UK
Teaching & Revision OCR GCSE Resources Jumbo Pack - The Economy finance & Money
Teaching & Revision OCR GCSE Resources Jumbo Pack - National, Local, Regional and Devolved Governments
You may also want to check out our very popular OCR GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Lessons, Assessments, Revision guides, trackers and work booklets.
OCR Knowledge Organiser
OCR Exam and Assessments Topic 1
OCR Exam and Assessments Topic 2
OCR Exam and Assessments Topic 3
OCR Revision and Intervention Full course
Campaigning Student Resources
British Values Quiz
x144 Revision topic cards for THEME B EDEXCEL GCSE CITIZENSHIP 9-1 with x400 Revision Questions. Product Code: CIT/C8/KT/30
THEME B : Democracy at work in the UK:
This resource includes:
x144 Revision topic cards with Included pictures
x144 Revision topic cards with drawing activity instead of picture
x400 Questions to aid revision
Each key word topic revision card includes.
Key Term, Definition, Synonym, Example of the word in a sentence, Picture or Icon
and three GCSE 9-1 Exam Technique content Qs’ x400 Questions in total.
You have two version one with Pictures and one without. (Allowing students to draw their own image to represent the Revision content topic term
Product Code: CIT/C8/KT/30
This resource is also useful for PP/ EAL / SEN students and those with literacy needs.
They will also help your most able students with exam technique and remembering ‘wow’ words to boost their responses in extended essay questions.
You may also want to check out our very popular EDEXCEL GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Lessons, Assessments, Revision guides, trackers and work booklets.
Here are a few examples:
EDEXCEL Knowledge Organiser
EDEXCEL Exam and Assessments Theme A
EDEXCEL Exam and Assessments Theme B
EDEXCEL Exam and Assessments Theme C
EDEXCEL Exam and Assessments Theme D
Campaigning Active Citizenship Student Resources
British Values Quiz
x68 Revision topic cards for THEME D EDEXCEL GCSE CITIZENSHIP 9-1 with x196 Revision Questions Product Code: CIT/C8/KT/32
THEME D : Power and Influence
This resource includes:
x68 Revision topic cards with Included pictures
x68 Revision topic cards with drawing activity instead of picture
x196 Questions to aid revision
Each key word topic revision card includes.
Key Term, Definition, Synonym, Example of the word in a sentence, Picture or Icon
and three GCSE 9-1 Exam Technique content Qs’ x196 Questions in total.
You have two version one with Pictures and one without. (Allowing students to draw their own image to represent the Revision content topic term
This resource is also useful for PP/ EAL / SEN students and those with literacy needs.
They will also help your most able students with exam technique and remembering ‘wow’ words to boost their responses in extended essay questions.
You may also want to check out our very popular EDEXCEL GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Lessons, Assessments, Revision guides, trackers and work booklets.
Product Code: CIT/C8/KT/32
Here are a few examples:
EDEXCEL Knowledge Organiser
EDEXCEL Exam and Assessments Theme A
EDEXCEL Exam and Assessments Theme B
EDEXCEL Exam and Assessments Theme C
EDEXCEL Exam and Assessments Theme D
Campaigning Active Citizenship Student Resources
British Values Quiz